Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Gift of Tongues

From: Elder Andrushka Dated November 12, 2007

Dear family

Well I have the Spanish down a little more. I can mostly understand all the gospel words . But to talk about just life things I don’t understand anything really.

I went on splits this week with a Toño Mario and another person. My companion wanted me to go out and to do tracting by myself so I would talk a lot more. It was a scary experience because I don’t have enough Spanish to do that but I had faith. We also were supposed to go and visit a recent convert. On the way to their house I started to pray and ask the Lord to help me with my Spanish. Help me find people to teach. As we were walking a man asked me what our church was about. To my surprise I understood him and while we were walking I taught him about prophets, why we need them and that we have a prophet here on earth. I also got his address and he wanted to learn more. Here you ask people for their address but missionaries don’t really understand the addresses so you just really memorize where they live. The Lord really answers prayers. He really loves every single one of us.

The day was hard I talked to 13 people which 7 of them invited me in to teach. Four of them wanted to learn more and the others didn’t care. It was a huge learning and humbling experience how much more I need to learn out here to help people. We have 25 or so investigators right now so we aren’t doing a whole lot of tracting. The church out here has many members but only about 60 or so are strong members. On Sunday we had a chance to visit a family that are all members. The mom has been in the church for 8 years. We shared a lesson about enduring to the end. I felt a really strong spirit from the family. I love experiences like this. The times like this I feel so blessed to be out here serving. The Lord blesses you so much as you serve and pour out your soul to the people. It’s at times hard to do this work not knowing the language and everything. But it reminds me (that) to walk in the Saviors steps is not easy. (It) also reminds me of the talk that we had in the MTC about (how) salvation is not cheap and as missionaries we are out here trying to save souls. How Jesus Christ paid the greatest price for us. (Why) should we think salvation is cheap? I am so thankful to be out here on my mission, (and) to have the spirit with me, to feel His love when I work hard. To be learning so much each day. I am thankful for the struggles I have out here.

How’s Amy doing being home once again? The time really flies. Thanks for all of your support.