Dear family I am very grateful for a kind dear mom and dad that i have it means a lot to me to get a letter from you each week. I have come to realize that my English has bin very lost. I also realized that i am old on the mission.
The experience about Elder Cook is. I was all ready to give my part so nervous as i got there i found out at the last minute the plans changed and that he had very little time so he took his time on giving us a very good training that i loved. So i was very grateful and i was ready for such and experience.
Then that night we went to his talk to all Managua that he did. As i was there i saw many of the people that i taught and the wards that i worked in. I saw family Martinez from my first area i was up on the bleachers as i saw them i was nervous to see and so happy at the same time. As i got down the dad i gave a big hug i was so happy to see them he is president of elders quorum and she is president of the women. I was so happy to see the small efforts of mine and the greater of our Heavenly Father.
This week we went out on a camp out with the elders de Mateares by the permission of President. It was a great experience many ideas came to me what we need to do and how we need to work. Very good experience it reminded me how much i miss the mountains.
OH by the way i cant believe how close i am getting to being done with my mission the comments of mom about the plans made me think wow it has come and gone. I am a little bit sad because i want to end with all i have. I am looking, praying, studying, fasting and learning how i can finish my mission with all i have that i can give a great last punch that i have in the army of the lord here in this place. I know that i will have all my life to server the lord. I pray that i may give all i have to this work.
Today president was talking about giving your whole soul and i want to give so much more to the lord. I have come to realize that the only thing i can give the lord is my will my heart that he will mold me and that i can be willing to serve him in all time in all place. So i will be buckling down on giving all i have. I love the lord and i know it is his will. I wish there was a way to recharge your batteries quickly and return to the work.
This Sunday i was a little down. Well my body was hurting from hiking up the mountain playing baseball and other moving activity and sleeping in a hammock well the little sleep that i got. Then getting up hiking down in the sun tired as i could be to take a shower put my clothes on and go out to work the zone leaders came over to do a visit to some families. The camp out went great as we got to know one another better.
So in the meeting Vladimir had a meeting so i was directing and i was tired as it came my turn to be my testimony. Then one by one the new converts got up to share there testimony oh how my heart was filled with love to know i had a little part helping them. They expressed their love and thanked us the missionaries in this area. How i love this area how i love the people here they have grown so much. I am so thankful with my Father IN Heaven for opening doors and helping us with so much. To finish got up the daughter of Vladimir and gave her testimony i was so happy to be there. The meeting got done with lots of joy and feeling of a great family that we are Mateares. So i have bin thinking about the plans and what we can do here.
I pray and hope all is well there. May Dad get better and feel better. May all my sisters find their husbands. To be ready to get married when i get home. May they that are inactive find a testimony of Jesus Christ.
Love you Mom and Dad i will let you know my plans for when i will be coming home. Elder Pearce.