From: Elder Andrushka Dated: March 9, 2009
Dear family,
I will finally be ready to send you some of my pictures of what is happening. The camera is not working right now i don't really now why it wont turn on. I was able to get a hold of the camera of my companion. How i love this work. He is the one that dose this work. We are instruments in his hands. This week the most amazing thing that happened is that our largest challenge in the ward came to an end. I was very pleased that it came to an end. I know that the lord guides this work that he made it possible. I have bin praying that we could know how to finish it. All that we did activities everything inviting our leaders to speak about it nothing ended. Then a miracle of Our Heavenly father happened an accident and it bright all down as everyone know is unified and in better working condition.
This week we had our anniversary OF 3 Years in Mateares. We made a video with the help of a reporter that is member of the church. It was very good as the video ended all jumped with joy with applause. The spirit was very strong.
We also had the privilege of having the assistants to the president there they loved it. It has become an area really productive and all have there eyes on the area. Presidente Fraatz as well as Elder Clark. We have sent our papers in and they have bin postponed tell we have 9 Melchizedek Priesthood members that are worthy. We are close we have 5 and 5 more in training.
I have come to love this area. As i expressed my feelings trying to help end the problem i realized how much i have become involved to wanting to bless this people with all my heart. What they all mean for me. How much they care and want to help me also. The more i serve the clearer i see the picture. The Picture of this life which is based on the work of Our Father In Heaven and Our savior Jesus Christ. I hope that i will have many opportunity's to serve.
In this area i have learned many positions and the importance of them. What function they have and why its important. The work goes freater with the bishopric and all there leaders. How i love the lord. He has blessed me so much. I thank him for all that he gives me and trains me and gives me more patience and love to keep giving. This week we helped a brother santos receive priesthood as we transferred his file from the states to here he is ready to serve and help. What a miracle happened. We past by and he was drinking about 3 months a go. We invited him to church thinking he wouldn't even remember tomorrow. The next day he was dressed with his bible in hand at church.
Thinking to our surprise he is not a member talking to him a little more we found out he is a member of the church. He made the choice and left his other life behind and is very firm in the gospel. Goes to church each week and pays his tithing every week. He is one of the members that's the most on time.
Felicidad Dano y Bienvenidos Carrie a nuestro familia. Dios bendiga su familia para siempre mantener felizes en su camino hasta la Exaltacion. Quidance uno a otro siempre. Espero de conocer muy pronto Carrie. 6 meses y poso mas. Mom the translation was good there was somethings little of being incorrect of order. I understood very well.
About wean i had 14 months on the mission i asked president to extend i will be coming home on month after my date. I would love it if you would come down and get to know some of the greatest families on earth. I still have lots and lots of time. Well i would put it like that because i don't want to think about leaving the mission. The mission is the best place to learn and it capacitates one to be the best in all. To be a great Father To be a great leader. I remember when the bishop told me that i would be learning how to be a better father. It is very true. Seeing so many families here. Giving so many talks (not that many) On families i feel more capable of running a family.
I gave a talk this week on Sunday about i and my house will serve the lord. It went really well as we are trying all as a mission to start more the family prayer scripture reading and family home evening. I let all know about our system as it was and about my mom and dad. The great examples they are for me and many people that i have taught. I can't believe that all are coming home so fast i remember that we just started and now we are finishing. Love you all take care i will sure pray for Amy and Dads business. Elder Pearce