Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November, Well What a Week!

Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:35:34 +0200
Subject: Happy November
Well What a Week!

It really has been just a great week of hard work and fun.  Because Missionary work should be fun and if you make it fun it will be and then you are more productive and get more accomplished and the blessings just keep coming.  So I'm having the best of times with Elder Hinkson right now and we really are having so much fun.  The work is going and I feel the support of prayers of many.  When the spirit leads you it is just great.

First last Monday we had an awesome family home evening with this way cool family the B------'s.  The have a single mom with 5 kids that very in ages but are so much fun.  The mom gave the lesson purely on thinking about past family nights and thinking about one that was most memorable to us.  It really hit me hard to think about all the wonderful times that I have been able to spend with my family over the years and all the many lessons my wonderful parents have taught me.  I love my family so much and I'm so grateful for the relationships we have in our family, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Tuesday, We had a sweet lesson with this guy named K-----.  It is always great when someone says that they are looking for something for their soul (because it just so happens we have something to give to help with that).  He is way interested but he travels on business like crazy so we only had that meeting with him but we have one already set up for this week, so I'm way excited!

Then we had Beginning English and it went pretty well.  We talked about Halloween and then I had brought a Cake I made to share for a mini Birthday Party, it was great fun!

Wednesday we had a way good combined District Meeting out by the temple which was great, always good to go out there.  Then we came back and went and met with this partially paralized guy but he isn't too interested and we found out he's had a Book of Mormon for 15 years he just doesn't really care, which is way sad.  Then we had an awesome lesson with the B----- Family and our Mission Leader came with us and it was great we talked about establishing a baptismal date but they wanted to talk about it.

Thursday was a bit of an interesting day with some random lessons and the adventures of stopping by Less Actives (they can be quite the adventures).  We had Advanced English where we just talked about Halloween a little more in depth.

Friday Morning we had a way sweet lesson with just P----- the father of the B----- family.  We found out that he and the kids feel ready but the mom is still hestitant she wants to be sure.  So we talked about how we can help her and just as we were leaving she walked in and he was like "talk to her" so we talked to her about it and said we'd come with a plan for them our next lesson.  Later in the day we had a way sad Less Active visit.  It was way sad because it is just heartbreaking to see someone who has made baptismal and temple covenants go away from what they know is true.  It really is one of the hardest things to see.  We were able to lift our spirits after by visiting with a great member family and talk about their missionary work.

Saturday during study I got a call from my cousin Mark and so then we got it all planned so that we could meet eachother before his temple session.  It was so awesome to see him and visit for a little bit.  The weird thing was just how normal it seemed.  We swapped mission stories and talked about the work here in Kyiv vs where he is in Moscow.  It was such a neat thing to see him!  All of our lessons fell through on Saturday but we were able to create a way tight plan to give to the B----- which brings us to Sunday.

As always Sunday was the greatest day of the week.  It was even greater because we got to have an extra hour of sleep.  We went off Day Light Savings a week earlier than the states so that extra hour was way nice.  We then headed to the church.  First we had the international branch which has just a comfort feeling about it.  Some great talks about gratitude.  J----- the L------- were glad to hear that you are doing well.  

Then it was the Vinohradar Ward which was way good.  The best part I think was the 3rd hour.  It was 5th sunday combined and pretty much ward leader after ward leader got up saying what needed to be done, like missionary work, less active fellowship and all this great stuff.  The greatest part was when the Bishop was like I think we should fast for the B----- family tomorrow to help them journey towards baptism so today we are fasting with the ward for the B----- family.  It is so wonderful to have that support from the ward leaders and all the members.  After church somehow I got dragged into being the pianist for the Holiday Choir they are having for some different service things like singing for the blind and such.  That was quite exciting to accompany as they are telling me different things mainly in Russian.  My piano skills have definitely been blessed by being a missionary.

Then we had a sweet lesson with this babusya (grandma) V--------.  V--- our MCL came with us and she basically understands the Book of Mormon like I have never seen before.  She basically recited the whole 1st chapter of Nephi with explanations.  The one thing she doesn't really understand is that if this is the only true Church of Christ, the one she is currently going to can't also be true but we are working with her and she is awesome.

Then came the highlight of the entire week.  We swung by home to pick up the special birthday cake I made and then we met a member T----- to go to meet the B----- with us.  They went to the village so weren't at church which was way sad but we have retaught the importance of them coming so I have high faith in them this week.  We presented them with the awesome plan we prepared for them that has what we want to teach again and then it also has goals, including their baptism on the 20th of November, and priesthood ordinations and a temple sealing next year.  They were way excited for the plan.  I had told them I'd bring a cake for my birthday but it was the first time I had a chance so then we celebrated with them and it was really one of the greatest meetings of my mission.

Wow well that was my awesome week.  I'd like to welcome my new cousin E---- to the family and hope she and Aunt R---- are doing well.  I'll be excited to meet Eliza sometime in the future!  Well I love you all and I love this gospel!  Thanks for your support and love!

Elder Alexander Larsen

Happy Day!

Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 12:08:11 +0300
Subject: Happy Day!

It really is a happy day!  And I have had a fabulous week!  Thanks first off for the many Birthday Greetings!  I'm so glad that I have such a wonderful family to support me and send me their love.  Thanks for the awesome Birthday cards too, I have recieved them all and also that hand delivered package mom so thanks so much for thinking of me.  I'm going to take Elder Hinkson out to lunch to celebrate so that should be fun.  So now to my fabulous week.

First I'm working with Elder Hinkson which is like working with one of my best friends!  It really is just amazing!  We were great friends in the MTC spending everyday for 3 months together and now we get to serve together and it is great!  We both want to work hard, be obedient, and just go have fun doing the work of the Lord so that is what we have done.  We are running everyother morning which has been fantastic and praying the snow holds off so we can keep doing that even though it is crazy cold already in the morning.  The cold won't stop us though, haha.  So serving with Elder Hinkson is just grand and it makes the work so much fun!

My Branch (international) and Ward are sweet!  I love the members and the leaders we get to work with, they have just been awesome!  Jeremy thanks for the connection to Brother Luschin, everyone in the mission knows he is the one from President Uchtdorf's talk but that is way cool your family new them in Germany, I'll be sure to pass a hello.  We have had some great interactions with members and I'm way excited to be working with them.

So last Thursday I got to go to the temple with Elder Oldham and it was so nice!  It was so peaceful and just what I needed.  I had such a enjoyable time there and it just felt familiar even though it was my first time for a session there and there were many things in Russian.  They did have head sets for English which was at least nice.  It'll probably be January before I make it back to the temple but I can't wait.  The temple is what it is all about.  I'm so grateful for the covenants we make with the Lord.  I also ran into Elder Mark Larsen's old companion Elder Grover who was here for a visa trip so that was cool.  Hopefully this week I might be able to see Elder Larsen himself.

Okay the best part of the week was working with the Boyko family.  I first met them last Monday and they are such an awesome family.  The dad Pavlo is wanting the truth for his family and they are just the greatest family.  We had some really sweet lessons with them where the spirit was so powerful.  They have three kids a 14year old boy, 12 year old girl and a 2 year old girl.  The kids are great and so happy to learn about the gospel.  The highlight was seeing them walk into Stake Conference.  They hadn't come to church yet and that has been holding back their progress but they loved Stake Conference.  We actually went to their apartment this morning to read the Book of Mormon with them and it all went well.  We should be re-extending a baptismal date with them on Wednesday, so I'll be praying that I'll goes well.  I'm so happy to be working with a family and seeing them progress in the Gospel.  It is the most rewarding thing and I just can't wait to see them baptized and then eventually sealed in the temple.  That is where my focus is now.

Alright so yeseterday was Stake Conference.  It was really good!  Most of it was in Russian but I suprisingly understood most everything (at least the jist of it).  My favourite talk was President Galbraith the Temple President.  He is just wonderful to listen to.  He reminds me a lot of Uncle Fred, which is just fun.  He was in a temple president's conference last week with the first presidency and the 9 of the 12.  He was eating with Elder Bednar and asked him to teach him something, so Elder Bednar did.  He told him to read the scriptures through "temple eyes" he then admonished us to do the same.

Alright well it was just a great week!  I'm happy, I love the gospel and it is true!  Thanks for your love and support family you mean the world to me!

Elder Alexander Larsen

Monday, October 18, 2010

Greetings from Vinnigrader

Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:48:10 +0300
Subject: Greetings from Vinnigrader

Hi Family,

There is so much to say today, we'll see if I can remember to say it all.  Well I got transferred sure enough and I'm now serving in Kyiv.  I'm in northern Kyiv in the Vinnigrader ward.  I also cover the international branch (more about that in a bit).  I'm serving with Elder Hinkson who was one of my roommates in the MTC so needless to say we are compeletly stoked to be serving with eachother.  I'm sad to have left Vinnytsya but I'm so excited for what is ahead.  And as you said dad change is a part of our Heavenly Father's plan for us as we grow in the gospel.  

So there is so much potential in this area right now it is crazy!  We are working with a family, the B-----, who are temple refferals and way close to being baptized.  That is right a family!  I get to meet them for the first time tonight and I'm so excited, just pretty much giddy with anticipation to teach them tonight.  The only thing really holding them back from baptism is coming to Church so that will be a big focus this week, I'm going to be praying none stop for them to come to church this week.  We also have a few other people who are progressing.

So I'm serving in a ward!  It was the coolest thing ever on Sunday to have a bishop!  And to have everything run without the missionaries help (ya we are willing to help but it was nice to watch the church run how it is designed to).  There are so many strong sweet members and I can't wait to get to know them all.  Because of this months primary theme we were invited to visit primary which was a blast and really just made me so happy to see the real importance of this gospel in uniting and building strong families.  It was great to reflect back to my primary days and everything I learned there and share with the kids what helped me want to be a missionary.  I sat down on the piano and sang "I hope they call me on a Mission" with them, it was so great!

In addition to the ward that I'm serving in we also go to the international branch Sacrament Meeting.  It was so awesome to be in an English Sacrament meeting and was just way comfort feeling.  The Branch is filled with girls here for the International Language Program just like cousins M--- and B---- did and they went to the same branch.  Sacrament meeting was great as we got to hear from the L-------, he was in charge of building the Kyiv temple (so they'll be moving soon) but it was just a sweet meeting.  

It is strange to once again live in a big city, been over 2 years since living in London, but I love it.  We live at the northern part of the city so I think it is comparable to living in Camden Town (but don't worry too much mom, it's way safe).  I'm excited to just get straight to work here and do all we can.  Elder H------ and I have already started off with fire and I know this transfer will be one to remember.  We also had some sweet planning training this week.  President feels like he let some things go the past 6 months with so much focus on the temple, so with his help we are working hard to get things really going.

Also I'll be going to the temple this week most likely.  And then after this transfer the policy will be that we can go once every 2 transfers, so another 4 or 5 times while on my mission.  I'm so excited to be able to go to the temple, it will be such a blessing to me.  Well family I love you all and this gospel is true!  I have come to reallization after reallization of what I need to do and I just love this gospel.  Glad everything is going well with everyone at home and that you had an enjoyable visit to M-----'s house.  Thanks for your love and support!

Elder Alexander Larsen

Monday, October 11, 2010

Midnight Baptism

Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 12:10:21 +0300
Subject: Midnight Baptism

Let me try starting this again, the internet club we are just had to restart every computer.  Hopefully we won't have any more problems.
Yep that is right we had a baptism Saturday night!  Okay it wasn't right at midnight but it was pretty late I think he got baptized at about 10 o'clock.  Needless to say Saturday was one of the craziest stressfull days of my life but with many prayers all things were overcome and one of my new greatest friends entered into the covenant of baptism.  Mom if you got the picture from the baptism from the Ewarts please forward it with this e-mail to those you send this e-mail too. 

Okay now I'll back up a little.  If you remember 2 weeks ago C---- got baptized and his friend S-- came to the Baptism and the very next day told us he wanted to be baptized as well.  So we had set the 9th of October as his goal.  Well we met with S-- pretty much everyday for the past two weeks preparing him for the day.  S-- got greater and greater and more and more excited for his baptism.  So on Friday he had his interview and as a result it was determined he would probably need to visit with President Steinagel.  We weren't able to get in touch with President until almost 10:30 Friday night.  We then found out he could meet with S-- tomorrow if we got him to Kyiv.  Sam was all in and didn't want to wait any longer than he needed to.  So we got up early Saturday morning to meet S-- at the Voksal (train station) to get him on a train to Kyiv.  Got everything sorted out and sent him on his way.  I then made all the arrangements with Elders in Kyiv to get him back after his interview.  So then we headed off to Church to watch Conference.  Had a lovely time watching the first session, at the end of which S-- should have been arriving.  However, the adversary was doing everything in his power to stop S--'s progress and his train was over an hour late.  So I spent much of the afternoon conference session on phone calls with S-- and President Steinagel working everything out.  Eventually they were able to met up and got him to President's office by the temple.  Everything went well with the two of them and then began the work in getting him back.  With the help of many different Elders we were finally able to get him on a Marshrutka (small bus) back to Vinnytsya.  We had no clue though when it would arrive back in Vinnytsya.  I had asked S-- if he wanted to get baptized when he got back or wait till Sunday to do it.  He told me this was the day he'd been waiting for and he wanted it as soon as possible.  He was however worried about us as missionaries not getting home on time, but with President's permission saying that a baptism is important enough to be out late we told him we'd have the service when ever he arrived.  So we scrambled to get things together for the baptism that would happen sometime just not sure exactly when.  The hardest thing was finding white underwear, which I won't go into too much detail in that story other than we eventually found some for S-- because he'd be coming straight there.  So then we just sat and waited at the church.  We had some members there and I felt way bad because they waited as long as they could but had to leave about 9 because otherwise there wouldn't be public transport to get home.  So it ended up just being the 4 elders, the Ewarts, S---- (who got his mission call this week to Yukaterinburg Russia), C---- and another Nigerian friend J---. 
S-- walked in just after 9:30 pm after the longest day of his life and having prettty much not eaten a thing all day.  He got changed and then we were able to hold a simple beautiful baptismal service.  I was hoping that it would work out for C---- to baptize S-- but S-- had been pretty persistent that I do it so at about 10 PM I had the wonderful privelege of baptizing Sam.  Then because Conference was this weekend for us and there wouldn't be a sacrament meeting we had special permission to also do the confirmation right there.  The spirit was so strong and it was a day and experience I will not forget for the rest of my life.  S-- was so happy and after going through trials that many of us have never faced was able to recieve the greatest gift on earth, the Holy Ghost.  Yesterday we were able to meet with S-- and watch Priesthood Session and he loved it and is so excited to live the Gospel!  He kept having us pause the priesthood session so he get written down something that really struck him.  He also had somethings work out in his life yesterday that have been problems for years.  The Lord is surely showing his love and giving his blessings to his son who has been so faithful in coming to his Gospel.  So that is my big story of the week!

A few other things.  Tuesday morning we wake up at 3:30 to catch our 4:30 train to Zone Meeting and it was the coldest most miserable train ride of my life but there is a price for everything and we had an amazing Zone Meeting that has truly blessed and enriched my life as the blessings of the Lord after trials.  We were able to do a role play and zone meeting that was so needed for a lesson the next day and helped us have the spirit in an extraordinary way in that lesson which has created a lot of progress with our investigator N------. 
Conference was so good by the way!  Loved all that I saw, going to have to go back.  Was able to watch all but the last session in English.  Had an investigator for the last one so I watched in Ukrainian and got the jist of everything.  It was fun to see people I know in all of the choirs.  (Including the mr. blanch look a like katie)  Cousin Elder Larsen in Moscow thanks for the note you had delievered somehow, was really funny how it eventually got to me.  Mom I was talking to a missionary who was standing next to A----- M---- so she found missionaries that know me.  Aunt C-------, Elder F---- from your ward has been in my district.  Um I'm running out of time.  Transfers are this week and we haven't been told yet but I think I'll be leaving Vinnytsya which makes me so sad but I know the Lord has a plan for me in his work.  I love you all!  Thanks for all your prayers.  Sister Ewart is really sick again, please pray for her.
Elder Alexander Dean Larsen

Monday, October 4, 2010

Trust in the Lord

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 11:55:02 +0300
Subject: Trust in the Lord

Well I'll first answer your question about conference.  I've only seen one session but it was awesome.  Because of the time delay our branch will be watching conference this next weekend instead of live.  We were however able to watch the Sunday Morning Session live at the E---- apartment last night and it was incredible.  We went there with Ch--- (who just got baptized), Sa-- (Ch---'s friend who will be getting baptized on Saturday) and Se--- (who was only there for the end and will eventually also be getting baptized, it is just a matter of when).  So it was just awesome!  The spirit was so strong and we all had such a great time and I learned so much.  I absolutely loved President Eyring's talk on trusting in the Lord and I hope to use it is the map of the rest of my life, everything comes down to trusting in the Lord and it was something I really needed to hear this week.  I can't wait to watch the rest of conference this coming week, I love conference so much.  And also I have to say since we were in London the quality of the Internet broadcast has dramatically increased.  We had to run home (to be home by 930) so we weren't able to watch the thing on Kyiv.  But yep I know Elder Sorenson (I served with him for a week during the open house) very well and you know his aunt (Cindy Morris) very well to mom.
One thought I had this week was about how much I love being a missionary.  It is so great!  It really is just the best thing ever.  I don't have any of the worries that other people might have.  For example I don't have to decided what movie to go see because I don't watch movies or I don't have to decide on who to take on a date to the movies because I don't date.  All I have to decide is what would be the best use of my time to try and help someone come closer to Christ.  And the even better thing about being a missionary is how I feel.  I'm living my life right now so that I have to be in tune with the spirit. I can't do anything to detract from that and it is an amazing feeling and I'm trying to think now what I can do to allow what I'm learning now to effect me through the rest of my life, a pretty big challenge but that is why I have a good while to figure it all out.
Alright to some things from the week.  We have been working a ton with S-- lately making all the preparations for his Baptism.  I am so excited to see someone else be baptized.  It will also be really good for C---- to have a friend in the gospel with him.  It's been pretty fun to teach in English too. So Sa--- is doing well and I can't wait to report about his baptism.  C---- continues to be awesome and yesterday I had the privilege to confirm the Aaronic Priesthood on him and ordain him a priest which was once again such a special experience for me.  It is just amazing to be guided by the spirit and I learn more and more from the spirit everyday.  Thanks dad for being such a great example on always being sensitive to the spirit and seeking its promptings.  I'm so glad you know what is important and I love your constant reminders to me to seek the spirit and live worthy of it.  We also have continued working with Se--- who is just an amazing man.  There are a few hurdles to overcome on his path to baptism but I know he will get there.  He has a wonderful desire and wants to be ready.  Keeep him in your prayers and I know the Lord will be able to help him through challenges and oposition he is facing. 
We also have been doing some good member work, and we strengthen then and they strenghten us.  I think we are gettting them to reallize their role in this work and that they can actually play a vital part through their simple efforts.  This branch is so great and I love them all so much.  This saturday I should find out if I'll be staying another transfer or not, I hope that I'll be staying because I'm just not ready to leave Vinnytsya. 
Well not too much more to say but thank you.  As we learned so well from the prophet yesterday we need to always make sure we express our gratitude.  So thank you so much my wonderful family and friends.  You all have made such a great impact in my life!  It is so wonderful to know that there are so many people who love and support me back home, it really helps a missionary to go when the times are tough.  So thanks for your love, kindness, prayers, thoughts and friendship.  I love you all and wish you a most happy of weeks!
Elder Alexander Larsen

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hidden Treasures in the Ukraine

Welcome to Elder Alexander Larsen, a cousin in the long reach of our extended family.  We currently have none of immediate descent serving missions, but we want to continue sharing to joy found in serving the Lord and spreading His Gospel.


Happy Fall All!
It is a great time of year.  It has gotten cooler sometimes even a bit chilly, and today is quite rainy but we are supposed to just have good fall weather until November, at least that is what all my Ukrainian friends tell me.  The work continues to go very well here.  We had an absolutely stellar week and we were just constantly busy, which is the greatest feeling ever as a missionary.  Today even we are super busy with a lesson and baptism prep, so much for Pday but then again who really needs a Pday when there is work to be done. 
Last Thursday was zone conference and it was fantastic.  We journeyed out to Lviv and I'm even getting used to the night trains (except we almost weren't allowed on, but that is another story).  Lviv is just beautiful and we had a great zone conference.  It was all focused on the new Preach My Gospel training and so we focused on teaching the doctrine of Christ.  There isn't anything better to teach and it is just so much fun!  I have also changed my study because I want to have a greater focus.  I had just started the Old Testament which I planned to read before the years end and so I would have completed all the standard works (some multiple times) and Jesus the Christ in one year.  But I came to the reallization that I need to be focussing on what I'm teaching and I just need to learn it more and more so that I can teach it better and better.  I need to be able to open the scriptures and teach from them, knowing them so well.  So that is my new goal.  I think it is a better less selfish one too.
This week started slow with lessons but we worked hard to make them happen and they were all great!  I love being able to teach.  We had some really great lessons with both Chidi and Serhi.  I have been blessed to see time and time again the Lords hand in this work.  I quote chidi who said this week "It is like the Lord sent you to me knowing what I needed to hear and the words you are speaking are not your words."  Another great thing to hear came from Serhi "I would love to live the law of Chastity."  Also another one from Serhi "I want as many people as possible to hear about the church in Ukraine."  And thus we are meeting with him and his friend on Wednesday.  Serhi is abosultely amazing but sadly I don't think he'll be getting baptized this week because he thinks he isn't ready as he has a complete understanding of what it means to be a member of the church and even created a personal goal to go to the temple.  He is ready and we just need to help him reallize that so that is where much of our energy is going now.  Chidi is doing just great and ready to jump in that font on Saturday as he won't let anything stand in his way from his decision to be baptized.  It is amazing to see how he is effected by the spirit in our meetings and how he just loves being happy.
We taught both of them the Word of Wisdom as well last week which they both immediately accepted.  Serhi commented on how hard it would be to not start the morning with a cup of tea but he was so willing to do and we brought him some herbal tea to enjoy the next day to help him.  It is amazing how you can come to love people through the gospel.  I think that is really truly the only way we can love someone is according to the principles that we learn in the Gospel.  The first commandment is to Love thy God, which I think is easier to do when we reallize that God is Love and therefore we are simply gaining more love by loving God and those around us.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is just so beautiful and perfect.  I want people to understand it the same way I understand it because it has made my life everything that it is.
Well there is probably more I could say but I'll just end by sharing my love with you and telling you that the Church of Jesus Christ is on the Earth today and only true happiness can be found by living the Gospel taught therein.  Jesus Christ lives and is our Saviour! I love you all!
Elder Alexander Larsen

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lost Sheep

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Matthew Courtright wrote:
hey all. sorry if yall have missed me over the last weeks. its been crazy hectic. God has been having fun with my health. Dont worry, still no AIDS or anything serious, just a series of fun little things to try my patience. I started off by getting sick. I have never had a summer cold before so that wasnt fun. I took lots of Nyquil and about 2 days later was over it..for the most part. the next 3 days were spent with very little energy. The slightest amount of anything wore me out. Walking up stairs was hard becuase i had so little energy. I slept alot. I had never been so effected by the flu. Then about the middle of last week my tooth started to hurt. I ignored it (which is what every 18 - 24 year old does) and hoped it would go away. it did, but was replaced by massive headaches. So i called one of the 9 local dentists in the ward and asked him to check it out for free. He didnt even think twice, just said yes. He also wrote me a perscription for ammoxcicilan to kill anything. i went in this morning and he removed a filling i had to see what was up. He thought i was crazy at first but he said that i had been grinding my teeth which is a sign that something is up. When he removed the filling he said "uhhh, bad" then proceded to scrape away at my tooth with out telling me anything. i was lost. turns out i had a cavity under my tooth. He said that it wasnt anything i could do to prevent and that it was probably the dentist who put in the fillings fault. (By the way, i got that filling in Oklahoma...which is to say Canada.) Apparently the cavity was dangerously close to the root. So he fixed it and then refered me to a root canal specialist (who coincidentally is also in the ward. Freakin lots of dentists here). SO i might need a root canal and hopefully i can get it for free. a perk of being a missionary.

So it better news, a couple weeks ago i mentioned that we had had a miracle but never expounded on it. Now i will. So my companion and i were walking down the street to go and visit a family that had just moved into the ward. ON our way, we stopped and contacted to asian girls. They were very timid but their uncle said "come back. you need teach them. they go to church" (all asian like). we set up a time to come back but were very...hesitant because he wanted us to teach them, not him. we came back though with one of the youth and began to teach them and their 10 year old brother. We had to start at the basics. They had little to no concept of God or the spirit or anything. It was kinda sad. However, when we pulled out a Book of Mormon they said oh we have one. turns out the girls are members but tony was not old enough to be baptized. We were led to 3 of God's lost sheep. It was nothing short of a miracle. Since then, they have come to church and been fully welcomed into the ward. Tony has made some great friends already and the 2 girls, Kocky and Luly, are opening up. Tony is getting baptized on the 22nd of August and is super stoked about it.

Well, i am out of time and would write more if i could. Be good Yall. Love ya.

Elder Courtright

Penny Freeman
Gratitude is the essence of joy.